Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Amazing Musical Talent of Jud Conlon 

A full chapter devoted to Dubuque's amazingly talented Jud Conlon appears in "Entertaining Dubuque-The Untold Story. In this blog I am able to present some of his great talent in audio form. 

One of the most prized of all George Shearing LP's is that which he recorded with the Jud Conlon Choir. "Night Mist," released in June 1957 by Capitol records, has not been re-released in the USA. A 1962 version re-issued in Japan is now selling on Amazon for $250. I was pleased to locate several YouTube presentations to share with you. Click on the title of each selection. It will open in YouTube. 

Another recording session on Coral with tenor sax man Georgie Auld produced another memorable series of songs which also have not been re-released. 

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