The Way We Were - March 26, 1940

This is the new site for updates to Entertaining Dubuque-The Untold Story. The blog will allow better placement of new stories and allow more flexibility. I hope you enjoy it.

Now and then, I will be posting a feature called THE WAY WE WERE. It will display newspaper headlines and selected stories of interest for a particular date in Dubuque history. Here is the first.

THE WAY WE WERE - March 26, 1940 

Dubuqueland was dancing at the Crystal Ballroom (now the location of  The Bike Shack and Shoe Shack and The Royal Palis in Galena. 

The Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, directed by Wendell Schroeder, was preparing a concert featuring radio star Vivian Della Chiesa. Read more about her, Schroeder, and this concert in my book, "Entertaining Dubuque-The Untold Story."

If you were dining out, and The Morocco, then outside the city limits and The Hilltop just outside East Dubuque were popular places to go.

If you were shopping for a new car, Plymouth was one of your choices.

Montgomery-Ward advertised new appliances. Look at the prices!

 And, in the "funnies," the mother-in-law joke had a pre-historic twist.

Your ideas and comments are welcome. 

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