Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sophisticated Ladies at Five Flags Arena


Sophisticated Ladies at Five Flags Arena 

April 22, 1980

The show was billed as "Sophisticated Ladies" and Cyd Charisse, Anna Maria Alberghetti, Roberta Sherwood, and Mimi Hines appeared to back up the claim. There were flowing gowns, smooth song and dance numbers aplenty, and "Mr. Sophistication," Tony Martin, was the master of ceremonies.

Mimi Hines opened the evening with several songs and an extended monologue in the role of the loveable barfly, "The Faded Lady."

Anna Maria Alberghetti followed with a varied selection of songs ranging "Love Makes the World Go Round" to "Volare." She recalled her premiere at Carnegie Hall as an opera singer with an aria from "Madame Butterfly."

Roberta Sherwood, whose big-time career didn’t begin until she signed with Decca Records at the age of 43, sang “Up the Lazy River” (her only hit single from 1956). Sherwood was a successful Las Vegas entertainer in the late 50s and 60s but was best-known nationally as a guest performer on numerous TV variety shows including Jackie Gleason, Ed Sullivan, and others.

Cyd Charisse and husband Tony Martin highlighted the show with an act that included well written jokes, a medley of the many record hits of Martin, and showed off the incredible legs of Charisse. She stole the show with excerpts from her famous dance sequences in movies such as "The Bandwagon" and "Singing' in the Rain."

The following Telegraph-Herald interview with Roberta Sherwood states that 2,200 attended the show, which I believe was sponsored by a local service club as a fundraiser. I attended with Jan and thoroughly enjoyed the evening at the brand new Five Flags Arena.


If you still don't have a copy of this "Dubuque Best Seller" contact me at or visit River Lights Books.

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